High Speed Rail Feasibility Study – Phase 1B Project

High-speed train between Kuala Lumpur to Singapore is as a catalyst to accelerate the attainment of our economic goals. As such, it complements and accelerates existing national, corridor and state development plans. The key project parameter of the network infrastructure would be a double-track standard-gauge electrified line with maximum operating speed of 160 km/h within urban areas and 300 km/h elsewhere. Phase 1B will examine the feasibility of HSR development and evaluation of potential HSR inter-city corridors and identify an optimum route alignment, cost estimates and preliminary design.

Detail Description of Actual Services Provided:

  • Validation of Phase 1A Study
    • Strategic and economic cost estimates & construction programme
    • Technical and engineering for alignment and station locations, earthworks and infrastructure, infrastructure technical specifications and designs, environmental and social screening